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How To Differentiate in eCommerce

Why eCommerce?

Most of us participate in some form of eCommerce daily. From ordering our favorite household products from huge online retailers to purchasing custom sneakers on a boutique social media storefront, eCommerce is everywhere. The internet has changed the way we do business, and shopping from our smartphones and computers has become the norm, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With such a saturated marketplace, how can an eCommerce business differentiate itself? Businesses should utilize quality eCommerce platforms to provide quality products and services, responsive customer care, and a seamless user experience in order to bridge the gap from awareness to conversion.

What Are the different types of ecommerce?

B2B– Business to Business is a form of eCommerce where businesses market their products and services to other businesses online.

B2C– Business to Consumer eCommerce focuses on transactions between businesses and final consumers. For example, a clothing brand or a residential cleaning service.

C2B– Consumer to Business transactions occur when a consumer sells a product or service to a business. Some examples include photographers selling photos to companies for commercial use, or freelance copywriters writing articles for large organizations.

C2C– Consumer to Consumer eCommerce is typically conducted through 3rd party sites like eBay, Poshmark, or Facebook Marketplace.


When it comes to differentiation, it’s important to consider who you are selling to and the nature of the relationship. An eCommerce business appealing to consumers may want to focus on providing ample information and product reviews encased in a mobile-friendly site, whereas a consumer marketing themselves to a business may emphasize personal referrals and a flawless online portfolio.


How Can i differentiate my business?

Leverage ECommerce Platforms

ECommerce platforms are unified software applications that encompass all key functions in the process of selling products and services online. These platforms provide an arena where buyers and sellers can meet to fulfill their respective roles. Sellers can manage inventory levels and product feeds, centralize order management, and analyze customer data from one single platform, instead of managing multiple software that fulfill different functions. ECommerce platforms are scalable, efficient, and some are fully customizable. They offer seamless front and back-end integration and allow you to manage eCommerce efforts across multiple brands, geographic locations, and marketing channels.

Utilize Time Pressure

If you want to discover leads or drive conversions, time pressure can be a great motivator for your prospects. Knowing a product is 20% off for the next two hours or that signing up for the email list will automatically enroll them in the VIP club is enough incentive for some audiences to quickly convert. It’s important to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity when offering a special promotion or product. Make sure to include strong calls to action and emphasize the scarcity of the deal.

Automated Customer Service

It’s extremely important that your customer feels nurtured throughout the marketing funnel. From discovery to conversion, consumers want to feel heard and valued: hiring an agency that specializes in marketing automation is an efficient and cost-effective way to create a sense of personalized service. Implementing automated customer service can help answer questions and alleviate frustrations during the shopping process.

Shopping Cart Abandonment

How many times have you browsed an online retailer for hours only to be deterred by laborious checkout pages or surprise shipping costs? Consider streamlining purchases through optimizing check-out landing pages. Include clear CTAs and deliberate button placements to provide seamless check out-processes. Try not to dissuade users with pricey shipping costs added on to the last step of the purchase journey. Instead, introduce shipping costs on product pages or when an an item is added to the cart. Remarketing emails are another great tactic to remedy an abandoned cart, just made sure they are clear, concise, and engaging.

Multiple Payment Options

Usability and convenience are key in the modern digital landscape. If a consumer encounters a pain point in the checkout process it could cause them to abandon their shopping cart and forget about the transaction altogether. Inconveniences like manual credit card fields and elaborate check out pages are huge turn-offs for consumers. Consider offering multiple payment options, like ApplePay, Paypal, or AfterPay.

Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps are a vital part of any eCommerce business. Over 70% of smartphone users use mobile apps to purchase products. Instead of relying on traditional web traffic, consider developing or hiring an agency that specializes in app development to fabricate a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Build Trust/Credibility

Customer lifetime value is another incredibly important marketing metric. Build trust with your customers by always living up to your brand’s promises. Emphasize fulfilling orders and shipments on time, highlight your company’s values and initiatives, and take pride in your product’s or service’s quality.

Usability and convenience are key in the modern digital landscape. If a consumer encounters a pain point in the checkout process it could cause them to abandon their shopping cart and forget about the transaction altogether.

Partner with us

ECommerce is vital to your online business’ success and growth. Fahrenheit Marketing is a highly-skilled digital agency in Austin, Texas. We can help deliver custom solutions for your eCommerce needs. Let’s Chat.  Reach out to schedule a consultation.

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