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Which Social Media Channel Should I Be Using?

When social media first started becoming a trend beyond eighth grade girls building their “top eight,” it still seemed as though it was just a way for individuals to communicate with loved ones. While that assumption proved true back in 2007, businesses have made an online presence so strong on social media platforms that it has almost become an unofficial requirement for businesses to grow and continue generating sales.
However, the last thing any employer wants to do is waste time trying to keep up on multiple social media channels if only one or two will make a real impact on his or her business. So, which one should you be using?


With over 700 billion minutes spent each month on Facebook, it’s pretty much irrational not to invest some time on this outlet, especially if you work with the consumer market. About 67 percent of adults are actively using Facebook accounts, so almost any market can benefit from engaging with its publics on this channel.


About 2.6 million companies have pages on LinkedIn to interact with other businesses and professionals within the industry. If you run some sort of agency, where your clients are typically other businesses, activating a LinkedIn account for your company would be helpful. For businesses reaching out to individuals, this channel may not be as effective.


Twitter is right behind Facebook in terms of users, with 140 million active users. Twitter is great for more than just followers and tweet; social media monitoring has become one of the top reasons organizations use it. By typing in keywords and hashtags, businesses are able to successfully research targeted publics, new clients, trending topics and current attitudes and behaviors.


Pinterest is kind of the new kid on the block, and does not have much of an impact for the majority of businesses. However, if your company relies off some kind of visual for sales, Pinterest may be a great marketing advantage for you. For example, if you are an interior decorator, Pinterest can help you display homes you helped design by categorizing each room and displaying them for the public. Other businesses who can benefit from Pinterest include:

  • Fashion brands
  • Hairstyling businesses
  • Animal shelters